Friday, October 9, 2009

Are we draining the swamp yet, Mis Speaker?

Hi its Nancy again, I descend from on high
To answer your question, as to who how and why
First comes my resume, because I’m number one
Then tactics and motives, and just how it’s done
I’m small minded and shallow, petty and vain
I even lie just on spec, when there’s nothing to gain
When questioned on issues, I’m so out of my depth
My response only slander, to hide I’m inept
I know nothing of substance, even less about facts
Those questions I dodge, using personal attacks
In my mirror I practice, my face of sincere
But it’s so hard to mime, looks too wooden I fear
Like my “Dear in the headlights”, I use that one a lot
If would make Marcel Marceau gag, give thumbs down and say “NOT”
I decried “Nuclear option” as evil, when it came up with Alito
Still the term “Nuclear option”, has too arbitrary a connotation
So I redefined it in new speak, it’s now called “reconciliation”
But now it serves my purpose, so I’ll just change my credo
I was first to condemn Wilson, when he stepped over the line
But about Charlie Rangle, his conducts just fine
I’ll defend any act, or denounce it as vile
My only criterion is, “which side of the aisle?”
I can't be constrained, by honesty and fair play
They're so not convenient, when they get in the way
My hypocracy is legend, the essence of my style
It defines my persona, just like my fake smile
I’ll exploit even the dead, crack my voice eulogize
Slip in my agenda, try this on for size
For three days without sleep, I stood at his bed
Overcome by such grief, many tears did I shed
With his last dying breath, he raised up his head
“Integrity, integrity, integrity”, the last words he said
No wait! That’s not it, I just got confused
That doesn’t even fit, besides it’s already been used
Yes! Now I remember, his final request
“Pass this one for the Gipper, so my soul it can rest”
So join us in tribute, to pass this healthcare
I have no clue with a it says, but I’m sure it’s fair
It won’t go over budget, or run off the rail
The government will run it, so how can it fail?
We stand on our record, for problems we’ve solved
Look how past projects turned out, once we got involved
This new bill is the panacea, to lower the cost
I’ll explain how it works, try not to get lost
Tort reform is a non issue, there’s no way it works
Law lobby checkbooks would close, we’d lose our best perks
It’s as simple as that, it was Howard said it best
“The lawyers won’t allow it”, and we serve at their behest
There’s a much better way, we’ve been given the word
Lose the feebs and the geezers, its called thinning the herd
Mandatory end of life counseling, code name Soylent Green
What’s your favorite color? Step inside the machine
A true act of compassion, to end suffering and pain
No more disability checks either, each good deed has its gain
As for the opposition, it was himself made the call
He said “Go for the throat, take no prisoners at all”
So I took the lead, the public to trash
With my usual tact, I caused a backlash
So we jumped to the insurance companies, they’re not like anyway
They’re orchestrating dissent, manufacturing dismay
But support is still flagging, blocking our path
We’ve got to find someone, then macee public wrath
It’s got to be a big fish, get the media to bite
Sink the hook deep, change their leads every night
So we’ll just keep on trying, until we find the right one
To keep spinning your heads, until it is done
It was long ago called solugi, we treat you like fools
You’re the monkey in the middle, in a game with no rules
And it’s not just the democrats, the republicans too
We’re every one of us for sale, but just not to you
It’s about money and power, and you’re not in the loop
Special interest cracks the whip, and we jump through their hoop
How can you not see it? In the halls every week
Lobbyists and law makers hand in hand cheek to cheek
And it doesn’t even matter, who they represent
Be it big business the unions, or a foreign government
All votes up for auction, on the block every day
It’s by invitation only, just high rollers get play
But don’t feel disenfranchised, I’ll tell you why
You’ve still got the best government that money can buy
And you get yours too, many benefits and more
Everyone has good credit, at the company store
Its big brother who runs it and it’s just how it looks
We just keep making up number, and cooking the books
We’re just mortgaging the future, to subsidize the past
In a giant ponzi pyramid, that we all hope will last
So when our little babes grow up, point at us and say
“What the hell was your problem, Was there no better way?”
Don’t get all defensive or indignant and shout
Just tell hem straight up, what it was about
Say “Kid it’s really too bad, that now you have to pay
But to tell you the truth, we never thought of this day”